
Welcome to Driscoll Property Management Blog

We’ll provide our latest news and post helpful articles to make sure you get the most out of your renting experience as either an owner or a tenant.

  • Vegetable Garden Tips May 19, 2021Vegetable Garden Tips
    Planting a vegetable garden can be both fun and help you save money. It can take a lot of work, but in the end you will have the freshest vegetables you can get and you’ll know you put the time in to grow them. Let’s look at some helpful tips for a vegetable garden. Location – not ...
  • Winter Activities December 8, 2020Winter Activities
    Having activities that keep yourself and your family healthy and safe are just what people need this year. There are so many different activities for winter, for both indoors and outdoors. There are also a lot of different activities for all ages.Having different things to do during the winter will help with the “winter blues” ...
  • Goal Setting November 18, 2020Goal Setting
    Let’s Talk About Goals Setting goals is the first step toward achievement and success. Goals can be anything you want them to be. They can be small or big. Setting goals will help you get to where you want your life to be. Setting the goals is your first step. Not sure what to do for ...
  • Halloween Fun October 28, 2020Halloween Fun
    Halloween is this weekend, and it may be a little different with everything going on in 2020. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t stuff to do! There are a lot of different things to do for all age groups. You can make this year’s Halloween as fun as you want it to be. Here are ...
  • October – Fire Prevention September 30, 2020October - Fire Prevention
    Did you know that each October, a week is set aside to talk about fire prevention? When you wake up to smoke and flames, this is one of the worst things that can happen to you and those who live with you. Make sure you keep your home safe when it comes to fires and ...